Global Venture Catalyst, an Exciting New Entrepreneurial Education Project with Ihklaq Sidhu, PhD and Mike Grandinetti


In this episode, Ihklaq Sidhu, PhD and Mike Grandinetti share information about “Global Venture Catalyst”, a new hands-on, entrepreneurial education initiative they’re launching to provide 500 engineers, technical students, and business school students around the world a transformative experience to work in diverse teams to develop new hight-impact projects.

Today’s topics include:

Details about the Global Venture Catalyst, such as what participants can expect to experience or achieve

What Ikhlaq’s and Mike’s goals are in creating this innovative program and what would make it successful

Why they decided to create this offering

What makes it different from other programs out there

How students can apply and where should they go for additional information

The themes of Ihklaq’s book, “Innovation Engineering”, and what he was hoping to accomplish by writing it

How Ihklaq and Mike see the pandemic shaping engineering and entrepreneurship going forward, even after normal activities resume