An Engineer’s Mind, Teacher’s Heart, and Two-Time TEDx Speaker with Melanie L. Flores

This week’s episode features Melanie Flores, an MIT-trained chemical engineer, theater arts aficionado, and two-time TEDx speaker, who currently applies her multidisciplinary skills to her work as Director of Solutions Consulting at SymTrain, a firm that automates and scales role-play training and coaching.

We discuss a range of issues such as:

– Melanie’s fascinating career journey – themes and common qualities in her various roles
– The importance of feelings and human emotions in professional environments, even those where technical skills are emphasized
– When and from which influences Melanie’s interest and aptitude in writing and communication originated
– How Melanie unveils the value of emotional intelligence and storytelling through setting an example, not lecturing 
– Melanie’s professional role and why she enjoys it
– How Melanie’s experience teaching pre-school helped her in the engineering and – more broadly – the business world
– Recommendations for engineers and other technically-focused listeners who want to add or enhance communication skills in their own toolkit