Frank and Emilia Metzel lead a company called Life Science Animation in Krakow, Poland that explains science with animated videos, helping get the message across, spark interest of potential investors or educate the general public.
As many life science companies struggle to explain their science to non-scientists, Life Science Animation aims to help by producing custom-made, easy to understand and engaging 2-minute animated videos for websites, conference presentations and social media.
Before serving as CEO, Frank was founder and CEO of Alpen Animation among other roles in sales and marketing.
Emilia Metzel has more than 10-year’s of experience in motion design and a life-long love for science. Emelia is Creative Director of Life Science Animation. She’s been a motion graphic designer and multimedia specialist, combining her two passions – science and animation – at Life Science Animation and in related roles at previous firms.
In this episode, we discuss a range of issues related to clearly communicating scientific topics using visuals, including:
The qualities of an effective animation and common mistakes to avoid in animation
How cultural beliefs can affect animations
Why it’s such a challenge for some scientists to effectively communicate with general audiences, including investors, policymakers, and the public
What’s Frank’s and Emilia’s process for translating complex scientific topics into anination
Advice for scientists who may be interested in a career in the science animation field
Their favorite scientists and artists